How Vending Machine GPS Tracking Devices Can Help Protect Your Remote Asset

Vending machines are valuable assets that no one wants to lose. One thing that separates these machines from all the other types of investments that you can make is that they are left unattended especially in those highly populated areas. Despite the fact that these machines have some security measures, there has been a rise in the number of cases reported regarding theft and other cases concerning vending machines.

More cases are reported of people attacking vending machines especially those that sell snack brands. There’s no clear explanation as to why an increasing number of people attack these machines. One thing that am sure of is that for those public machines, it’s only a thin material that separates thieves from coins, products and dollars that are used by prior consumers.

There are several instances where the consumers as well as the staff can damage the machine looking for a perfect opportunity to get the money and the products inside the machine. There’s no one in the market that wants to bear the news of their employees stealing from their bosses but this actually happens.

There are several instances where employees get out with their keys and eventually use them to vandalize several of the company’s machines and steal products and the money. Operators also are not guaranteed that their employees will not make duplicate keys copies and use them to vandalize the machines. What this means is that the investors should have systems in place to track the machines in real time.

Additionally, it is very difficult to know that theft has already occurred in a certain machine. The fact is that these machines are left unattended for up to a week and for that reason if you don’t have a tracking system, you may end up waiting for the entire week to know if something has happened.

The other type of thieves comes from outside the company. Thieves from outside the company can vary from amateur to professional criminals using sophisticated methods to get money and products from these machines. If you take time to check on some of the cases, you will realize that some thefts are very sophisticated. There are some of the cases where thieves can use sophisticated means to get the money.

Outside thieves may also work with an inside figure who may help them get duplicate keys and later use them to vandalize several machines without the knowledge of how the case happened. With all the above information in your head, I bet you should already be looking for a counter system that can protect your machines from inside and outside criminals. With vending machine GPS tracking devices, it is very easy to get instant notifications whenever the machine is tampered with. For the best deals and offers, get in touch with Vending Machines GPS Tracking Service Provider GPS Leaders.

How Vending Machine Operators Can Benefit From Vending Machine GPS Tracking Services

Vending machine business is very broad and for that reason there are several things that one is supposed to do to come up with a clear picture of all what is happening when the machines are being transported, when they are fitted and when they are left unattended.

Deterring theft

While there are very many people in the company that are honest, there are few characters that are not honest at all. There are some of the employees that you cannot trust with your vending machines. The fact is that your employees will keep on following rules when they know that there’s an eye on all what they are doing. Consequently, you have to fit GPS tracking systems in all the company’s vending vehicles and machines. The manager will keep an eye on all the activities that are happening on the other side and if possible get to compliment or warn field employees in case the manager suspects something fishy is happening. GPS tracking system may also work well when you want to scare outside criminals. They are unlikely to tamper with the machine if they know that they are being watched.

Vending machine recovery

With few thieves that are likely to vandalize the machine, get what they want and leave it, there are some that will take the whole machine with them. In this case, GPS tracking system works well to help the authorities know about the crime immediately it happens and also be able to follow up with the offenders. GPS tracking system for vending machines is very beneficial in this case. We both know how difficult it can be following up with the offenders manually.

With a good GPS tracking device for vending machines, the control room will get real time notifications when something fishy is happening and later contact the police for swift recovery. It is that simple. In fact this is one of the major reasons why people get GPS tracking systems on their machines.

Get instant notifications

By default, most of the Vending machine GPS tracking devices will send real time notifications on the email address you associate it with. What this means is that if you keep on checking on the email, you will be up to date with all what is happening on the ground. The good thing is that you can customize these devices to give you instant notifications every time the machine is moved or tampered with.

They can as well be customized to send real time information whenever the machine is moved or even tempered with directly on your Smartphone. If you choose email notifications, then you will at all time get the notifications on your email. However, the wisest decision to make in this case is to be getting those notifications on your Smartphone. This makes it easier and simpler for you to track the machines and get real time information whenever you are in the market.

Additionally, you can choose your alert triggers by simply changing the settings. The fact that you will get real time notifications whenever something is happening on the machines makes it easier for the management to notice the problem before it happens and eventually contact the police for swift response and recovery.


Another wise thing to do is to geofence your vending machines. This is one of the easiest ways of using GPS tracking systems to make sure that the machines stay where they are supposed to be. Geofencing your vending machines send you instant notifications in case the machine is moved away from the geo-set location without your authorization or when the machine is stolen.

In simple terms, a geofence is a virtual area which is set based on the GPS location. This ensures that under any circumstance, your machine shouldn’t be moved beyond this area without your consent. It is now easier for you to use GPS tracking devices from GPS leaders to set Geofence. You just have to zoom and move to a location on the map where you want to set a geofence. After that you have to right clock on the system and click on the + icon which is next to geofence. After that, you are supposed to now left click on the mouse and click on the geofence shape whether circle, polygon or standard. Draw the shape and later name it. After that, go at the top of the menu and choose ‘’assign geofence.

Real time location reporting

As I had earlier stated, it is now easier for you to notice whenever your machine is being moved or tampered with. With GPS tracking devices, you always get theft notifications and real time location reporting. This is what makes it easier for you and the police to track down the offenders and recover the machine.

As I had already stated, GPS tracking devices will make it easier for you. This adds directly to your peace of mind. You feel at ease knowing that you can be able to notice instantly whenever the machines are tempered with. You are also very sure that you can be able to recover them in case something happens.

If you are in charge of managing several vending machines, you don’t have to rely on the field staff to give you data about the number of sales and the condition of your machines. With GPS tracking systems, you will end up getting real time information whenever the machine is out of stock or when there are any other issues with it.

GPS tracking systems helps you track not just their location but also get instant notifications on whether the machines are in good working conditions or if they are not working. There’s no better way of making sure you have all what you need and at the same time knowing that your business is running smoothly besides the use of GPS tracking system to manage your assets.

There are a number of devices that you can get from Vending machines GPS tracking service provider GPS leaders ranging from those that will send you instant notifications to those that will give you direct location information about your machines.