Portable GPS tracking for positive COVID-19 Individuals

COVID-19 or better known as Corona Virus hit the headlines in Dec 2019 and countries all over the world started preparing to combat the threat. Some of the countries that are hit hard by this disease are implementing digital and tech methods of dealing with it.

One of those high-tech strategies is the use of GPS tracking to pinpoint and track the COVID-19 individuals. United States for example has started using GPS tracking for surveillance and to monitor the spread of Coronavirus.

Easily monitor location of positive COVID-19 Individuals

Apple and Google are working in close collaboration to launch apps that can easily survey on the COVID-19 individuals. They want to start a platform to alert smartphone users who have come into contact with the Corona Virus patients.

This is an indication that Patient surveillance is very important. For that reason, some jurisdictions are also considering GPS to track the current location of these patients. This ensures they are observing quarantine directives and reducing the risk of spreading the disease.

Portable tracker offers Panic Button should COVID-19 individuals need immediate assistance

Corona Virus patients are in constant worry and anxiety. This is because the disease can affect the way someone breathes or even increase body temperatures. The patients are also at the risk of organ failure and several other medical complications.

Portable GPS trackers can be carried wherever someone is. They have an inbuilt SOS button, which offers a way of calling for help in case of any serious medical issue.

What this means is that every COVID-19 patient should consider Portable GPS Tracking For Positive COVID-19 Individuals by GPS Leaders. This way, someone can just press the SOS button and notify the authorities or the existing medical issue.

Setup invisible Boundaries using Geofence Technology to know when COVID-19individuals enters or exits a facility

One of the major strategies of stopping this pandemic is to limit movement of COVID-19 patients and reduce their chances of interacting with other people. For that to work perfectly, there’s need to monitor closely their daily activities.

One of the best methods of monitoring their steps throughout their recovery process is the use of GPS tracking devices. With such systems, the authorities can be notified whenever these individuals enter or leave a specific facility.

After such information, the police and medical workers can be in a position to respond and conduct mass testing or put the people in quarantine.

Enforce quarantine regulations

Quarantine is one word that we are all aware off. All countries are trying to quarantine people that have been exposed to COVID-19 and also the patients. With some of the facilities being overwhelmed by the number of patients, the government can observe the Patients through GPS tracking devices at home.

Whenever the patient breaks any of the regulations, the authorities will get an alert and respond swiftly. This is possible through Geofence features of the portable GPS tracking devices for their patients. Additionally, GPS helps track all the people that are affected and respond fast enough to care for them.