Orange County Power Sport GPS Tracking Provider – GPS Leaders

There is nothing as disheartening as losing a vehicle to thieves.  In 2019 alone, over 7,000 vehicles were reported to have been stolen in the orange county region. While some of the vehicles are successfully recovered, there is still a huge number of owners counting loses. With that said, one effective way to combat this issue is through the use of power sport GPS tracking devices. GPS Leaders is a reputable company that offers GPS tracking devices for the orange county power sport dealerships. Without a doubt, GPS tracking solutions will assist the orange county resident curb vehicle, watercraft and motorcycle thefts.

Thieves are quite smart nowadays. For this reason, you need a GPS provider that uses advanced GPS technology to secure your vehicles. All power sport dealers are bound to benefit from the GPS Leaders tracking solutions. This is mainly because the devices entail some notable features which will be very helpful to your customers. For instance, each one of the tracking devices is made of weatherproof design. Well, if you get caught out in the rain with your ATV, there is no need to worry about the mud or water. GPS leaders already has taken care of this with their weather resistant casing.

Once the GPS device is installed on the vehicle, the next thing to do is download the GPS Leaders mobile app and view everything from them. In addition, you will be able to receive real-time updates and alerts on your mobile phone in case of anything.  Since majority of the people spend most of their time on their smartphone, it’s much easier to monitor the location of your vehicle or bike, any movements and potential theft. Keep in mind, GPS Leaders now provides 4G LTE GPS trackers.  Customers will not have to deal with poor connections and tracking interruptions with this kind of service.

3-axis motion detector

The 3-axis motion detector is meant to stop the thieves’ right in their tracks. In case an unknown person attempts to drive off with your vehicle or tow away a watercraft, you receive a notification immediately. There is no way your vehicle or bike will be stolen under your nose.

Set up a geofence

There is a way you can secure your vehicle by setting up the geofence feature. Simply identify the areas where you think are safe for your asset and mark them. If anyone tries to take the vehicle out of the specified areas, the GPS tracking system sends you a notification alert.

Maintenance alerts

Timely maintenance and servicing of your vehicle is vital. However, there are times when people forget to do so and end up facing the upshots. To avoid such issues, invest in the GPS Leaders power sport tracking solutions. Aside from providing security and peace of mind, you benefit from the system regular maintenance updates and alert.

The Orange County Power Sport GPS Tracking Provider GPS Leaders has all the GPS solutions that you need for your dealerships. They also offer insurance discounts of up to 30%.